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Parish Ministries

   Parish Ministries   

Become an Altar Server

St. Thomas More invites all Boys and Girls who are at least 8 years old and have received their First Holy Communion to become servers at the Lord's Altar. Servers carry the cross and the processional candles, hold the book for the priest when he is not at the altar, carry the incense and censer, present the bread, wine, and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts and assist him when he receives the gifts from the people, wash the hands of the priest, assist the celebrant and deacon whenever needed, respond to the prayers and dialogues of the priest along with the congregation and join in singing the hymns and songs of the liturgy.

Altar servers have a rich heritage, going back to Jesus himself. In preparation for the Last Supper, Jesus sent two of his disciples to prepare the Passover for Himself and the Twelve. Over the centuries, as ceremonies became more complex and Latin became the language of the Church, specially trained assistants called Acolytes became common. Eventually, this evolved into today´s altar servers who love Jesus, love the Mass, and want to give their time and talents in the service of God and his Church.

No experience necessary - training will be provided. Check our online calendar for dates and times of training sessions.

Altar Servers

SMT Purificators

St. Thomas More is in need of Purificators. Just as the altar is a sign for us of Christ the living stone, altar cloths are used "out of reverence for the celebration of the memorial of the Lord and the banquet that gives us his body." By their beauty and form they add to the dignity of the altar in much the same way that vestments solemnly ornament the priests and sacred ministers. Such cloths also serve a practical purpose in absorbing whatever may be spilled of the Precious Blood or other sacramental elements.

Care should be taken that proper cleaning methods are used to preserve the beauty and life of the communion linens. It is appropriate for those who care for these cloths of the liturgy to accompany their work with prayer.

If you are able to help out with this, please contact the Parish Office.

STM Purificators


Often times, we do not know or forget from whence comes Ushering - from God. God was the very first Usher - as He ushered in day and light (Gen 1:3-4).

God ushered man into the Garden of Eden (Gen. 2:15).St Thomas More Church is looking for new Ushers (Ladies and Gentlemen) to serve in the House of the Lord. The church usher helps the Pastor to make the service a success by putting the congregation in the right frame of mind to receive the message. The usher meets the people with a pleasant smile, a warm welcome, and directs them to comfortable seats. He/She also sees to it that perfect order is kept in and around the church at all times during the services.

If you are interested, please contact the Parish Office.


Eucharist Ministry

Would you desire to take a more active role in the service of God and serve His Catholic Church by distributing Holy Communion during Mass and bringing it to the homebound?

Then please consider becoming a EUCHARISTIC MINISTER!

If you would like to become a Eucharistic Minister, please contact the Parish Office.

Eucharistic Ministry

STM Choir

St. Thomas More Church is looking for new members. Participating in divine worship services as a choir member is a sacred responsibility, not to be taken lightly. The music is an integral part of mass and choral music must add to the liturgy, not distract from the prayerful environment of worship. Every hymn, every phrase, every verse of the church service must be rendered clearly and fittingly. This requires singers who are inwardly committed not just to the music, but also, and primarily, to the Faith.

Please share your talent and become a member of our Adult, Resurrection, or Children's Choir groups.

If you are interested or have any questions, please contact the Parish Office.

STM Choir

Women of God

Our goal is to help women overcome the challenges of our world. As we study God´s word and the lives of those who have walked before us, we will gain an understanding of our walk with God.

We meet every Wednesday after the 5:30 PM Mass, in the chapel.

For more information, please contact the Parish Office.

Women of God

Legion of Mary

The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active co-operation in Mary's and the Church's work. The Legion of Mary group holds a weekly meeting on Tuesdays after the 8:30am mass in the Faith Formation building, Room # 2, where prayer is intermingled with reports and discussion. The Legion sees as its priority the spiritual and social welfare of each individual. The members participate in the life of the parish through visitation of families, the sick, both in their homes and in hospitals and through collaboration in every apostolic and missionary undertaking sponsored by the parish.

Persons who wish to join the Legion or wish to have more information, please contact JoAnn Boltz at (561) 737-2732

Legion of Mary

STM Youth Ministry

Do you want to have FUN?! Do you want to make your spirit SOAR like an EAGLE? Want to do all this with FRIENDS and other KIDS your same age?! Come join the St. Thomas More Youth Group for phenomenal activities, entertainment, prayer, and divine worship.

We meet every Saturday from 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm in the Faith Formation Building Room # 6. All youth ages 13-17 are welcome!

Contact the Ministry leader Colleen Brennan for more information: 561-737-3095.

STM Youth Ministry

St. Peregrine Cancer Care Ministry 

The St. Peregrine Cancer Care Ministry is a hope ministry that involves prayer, counsel, emotional & spiritual support and assistance, but is mainly centered on bringing God's hope to patients and caregivers, family and friends through their bible based ministry training program.  They're equipped with the tools needed to bring hope to the millions who are living with cancer or have a friend or family member living with cancer.

We meet the 2nd Saturday of every month immediately following the St. Peregrine Healing Mass (which is at 9am) in Room 2 of the Faith Formation building.

For more information, contact the Parish Office.

St. Peregrine Cancer Care Ministry

STM Circle of Friends

Circle of Friends encourages new friendships and spiritual growth. Membership in the Catholic Church is NOT required and you don't even need to be a member of ANY church but keep in mind, when coming to these events that most members of Circle of Friends ARE Catholics. The meetings are very casual. The meeting is a good place to meet with people who understand your situation and with whom you can make friends. Circle of Friends gives back to the community by volunteering for local charities. They do hands-on service, for example, by painting, serving food to the community and whatever else needs to be done for St. Thomas More..

The Circle of Friends meet the 1st Thursday of the month, from September through June in Room 6 of the Faith Formation Building at 6:45 pm

For more information, contact the Parish Office.

Renewal of Wedding Vows

Renewal of Wedding Vows is celebrated on the last Saturday of the month at the 5:30 pm Mass. Register at the Parish Office if you have an anniversary coming up. You will receive a certificate to commemorate your special day.

For more information please contact the Parish Office.

STM Circle of Friends
Renewal of Wedding Vows

Chancellors - STM Men's Group

The Chancellors Men's Group gathers every Tuesday evening at 7:30pm in Faith Formation Building in Classroom #7

For more information, contact the Parish Office.

St. Thomas More Gift Shop Hours

  • Sunday - Friday: 9 am - 2 pm

  • Saturday: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm

  • Sunday: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

If you are interested or know of someone who would like to volunteer in our gift shop, please contact our Parish Office.

Widows & Widowers

"After the death of a mate, life is not the same. Nevertheless, those who live on after the death of a loved one still have much to contribute to others."- Ecclesiastes 11:7, 8.

KFC is our motto: Kind- Friendly-Caring! We meet at 1:00 pm in classroom #2 of the Faith Formation Building every 3rd Wednesday of the months: January, February, March, April, September, and October.

For further information, please contact the Parish Office.

Chancellors - STM Men's Group
STM Gift Shop Hours
Windows & Widonwers

Lector Ministry

What is a Lector? This ministry may also be called reader or minister of the Word. A lector is the
person who proclaims the first or second reading at Mass, and may lead the Psalms and/or
Prayers of the Faithful.


For further information, please contact the Parish Office, or email

Lector Ministry

Parish Office
561-737-3095 (Voice)
561-737-8697 (Fax)


Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Saturday: 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sunday:  8:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Religious Education Office

(561) 737-3521

Gift Shop
(561) 736-1887 (Voice)

Gift Shop Hours
Monday - Friday:  9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday:  9:00 AM - 8:30 PM

Sunday:  9:00 AM - 3:00 PM


© 2023 Saint Thomas More Catholic Church. Designed by Fr. Alex Vargas

10935 South Military Trail Boynton Beach, FL 33436 

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